
  1. Create an AMIC account by typing your email, name and country
  2. A verification email and link will be sent to your registered email address. Click on the Verify button.
  3. You will be sent a username and password to access the site (normally within a few hours). When you login, you will be able to access your profile. However, links to "Members Exclusive" content and members rate for conference registration will only be applied once your payment has been received and validated.
  4. Log-in to your account and select your membership category.
  5. Select your payment method. Please note that each payment option incurs extra fees to cover either bank fees, service fees, administration fees, or taxes.
  6. Complete your profile.
  7. Click on the Confirm button.
  8. Your billing and profile information will be displayed. If the information is correct, choose Confirm Contribution to proceed. Otherwise, Go Back to make corrections.
  9. If you choose to pay online, you will be taken to the payment processor's website (Dragonpay or Paypal) to complete your payment. If you choose to pay via bank transfer, you will receive an invoice and payment instructions by email.

Already have an account? Click here to login